Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday! Monday! Monday! Monster Truck Rally.....

hahaha no it's not a monster truck rally :) I was just feeling like quoting Night of the Museum.
So today was fun.
Went to classes. We're starting budgeting in Math.... It's interesting actually going to a math class that I can use.... I'm definitely not used to it.
After that was Music and the Humanities. Still one of my favorite classes. We compared Egypt and Mesopotamia today. Egypt was all around better because the geography protected them and their religion and government were basically one system (Theocracy). I love learning about this stuff.
Then choir! I love choir :) So much lovely singing. There must be 200 kids in there. We're singing Christmas music to get ready for our Christmas program.
After that is Group Vocal Instruction which is actually nice because then I'm all warmed up from choir. I had to sing a solo today which wasn't too bad :) I sang Be Thou Humble.
Then I went home and did some homework, ate some food, the usual :)
We had FHE at 7. My FHE brothers are hilarious. We played a name game which involved hitting each other on the head with a newspaper haha We won't be forgetting anyone's names any time soon.
At 8:30, Paige and I went to the upper fields to play soccer. It was Paige, me, two other girls, and the rest were guys. It was so fun :) I forgot how much fun it is to play. According to one of the guys I was a "brick wall" haha YES! I've still got it :)
ok that's all I have to say about today.


  1. Fun stuff! Okay, so are there way more guys than girls at BYU-I, or is it just by chance that you end up being with so many so often? Funny! I want to go to your Christmas concert! Darn it!
    Glad you're loving your classes so much. I didn't know you had to sing a solo! Was it spur of the moment, or was it something you prepared?
    Hope you have a lovely Tuesday, and honestly, I hope there is a monster truck rally one of these Mondays...whatever a monster truck rally is.
    Love you!

  2. There are definitely more girls... but I would rather hang out with guys. You should know this :) So I find guys to hang out with haha
    and it was kind of a mixture of the two... spur of the moment and one i had prepared... I knew about it but I didn't work on it.
    And there actually was a demolition derby out here on Saturday that I didn't go to :)
    Love you too!
