Sunday, September 9, 2012

Maybe not...

So I was sitting in church today and I learned a lot. I told Mom that I was going to change my major and she told me how she felt about that. Basically she said that I was taking the easy way out. I was feeling really discouraged about being in music and doubting my talents and skills.

Today in sacrament meeting the bishopric spoke and I felt very strongly that I needed to stay with my major. It's going to be a long, hard road but I need to stick with it.

The main thing I learned in Sunday School was that we need to constantly improve ourselves. In Relief Society, we talked about faith. They did a couple of trust falls which was quite funny. But one of the girls described how we can apply this to our lives. She said that we are constantly having to do trust falls with our Heavenly Father. He is always there but we can't see him. We might get scraped up on the way down but He will always catch us before we hit the ground.

"If God can bring you to it, He can bring you through it." My roomie, Paige, said this during the lesson and the Relief Society president backed it up with Proverbs 3:5-6. "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." This was exactly what I needed to hear.

So I'm keeping my major. End of story. I'm going to turn this semester over to my Father and hopefully, He'll help me accomplish everything I need to do.

George Albert Smith said, "It is this principle [faith]... that points us heavenward, that gives us hope in the battle of life. When we become confused, and find ourselves confronted by obstacles we, seemingly, cannot overcome, having faith in the Redeemer of the world, we can go to Him and know that our prayers will be answered for our good."

He also said, "Give the Lord a chance... The Lord has a way of accomplishing things that we are unable to do, and never asks us to do anything that he does not make the way possible."

Oh the amazing-ness of being worthy to receive revelation in Relief Society. Haha I am so grateful to be a member of this church and to have the opportunity to receive things from my Heavenly Father that He would want me to know.

"May the Lord increase our faith, and may we live to be worthy of it." -George Albert Smith


1 comment:

  1. Wow! Good for you!!! You are in an amazing place at an amazing time of life. Like I told you the other day, you are the only one who will receive answers for you. Pay attention to those little nudges in your heart. You're going to do phenomenal things in this life. Love you SO much!
