So Mom and I were talking about how stupid people are these days....
They are so self-destructive. It's like they want to see how fast they can kill themselves. Mom asked me why people try so hard to do such stupid stuff and I said it's because they don't know who they are.
I mean think about it. If people really knew who they were and where they came from then they wouldn't do drugs or anything like that. If they knew the eternal consequences then I'm pretty sure I wouldn't think they were stupid.
Remember that one quote from some prince that got tortured and when asked why he wouldn't do the horrible stuff that his torturers wanted him to do he said, "I cannot do what you ask because I was born to be a king."
We are all royalty and this means that we have to act the part. So remember that you are princesses and daughters of a king. And then don't do anything to shame your father's name. Love yah!